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герб Yuryev-Polsky


Фотографии многоквартирных домов, общественных и административных зданий и достопримечательностей

About Yuryev-Polsky

Population: 19 ths
Founded: 1152
Pictures of buildings
(houses): 65

Yuryev-Polsky is a town located in Vladimir region. It’s one of the oldest towns of the region, and of so-called "Golden Ring" of Russia.

The town was founded by the Moscow prince Yury Dolgoruky in 1152. Defensive fortress enclosed with earth walls up to 7 meters high has been built here on his order. The walls have remained up to now. The cathedral of St. George (1234) has been constructed in the middle of the fortress. Now the cathedral is one of the main sights of the town.

In 1212, Yuryev-Polsky turned into the center of the apanage principality led by Svyatoslav (son of Vsevolod the Big nest). The Archangel Michael monastery was based in the town during Svyatoslav's rule. The monastery was however destroyed by armies of khan Baty in 1238.

In 1340, Yuryev-Polsky became a part of the Grand Principality of Moscow.

Yuryev-Polsky was three times ruined during mongolo-tatar invasion; at the time of Troubles, it was burned down by Poles. Locating of the town on Stromynskaya Road connecting Moscow to the Suzdal lands has contributed to its fast reconstruction and economic growth.

In 1560, restoration of the monastery destroyed began.

Yuryev-Polsky has been a part of Vladimir province since 1796.

A leading part in town economy is played by two large enterprises: Avangard weaving mill and electric equipment plant "Promsvyaz".

Being one of the cities of "Golden Ring", Yuryev-Polsky has a large number of historical and architectural monuments. These are: The Archangel Michael monastery (13th century), the cathedral of St. George (1234), the Church of the Holy Sign-painter (1625), Nativity church (18th century), temple of Nicetas the Martyr (18th century), and also the remains of earth walls of the Kremlin (12th century).

Information about dwelling houses, buildings and sights of the city and its pictures

Streets of Yuryev-Polsky

Your location: Vladimir region, Yuryev-Polsky